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Mechanics sculpture
Gallery of mechanic sculpture. Some of this woerks has a little video documentary on yhe Videos section, were is possible to see the moviments and hear the sound. Cinetic and ligth are powered from battery or 220 W.
girogirotondoscultura meccanica. h 160 cm. interactive with sound. 2008 (find the video on mechanics) | angelo biancoAngelo Bianco. Mixed Media. Mechanic sculture with ligth. H 40 cm. 2010 (find the video on mechanics) | lady rabbitlady rabbit. plastica e cera. scultura meccanico-luminosa. h 65 cm. 2005 (find the video on mechanics) |
gigo robotscultura meccanico-sonora-interattiva. 2006 (find the video on mechanics) | cavaliere azzurromechanics sculpture interactive. 2006 (find the video on mechanics) | sig. mario nettacarillon. mechanics sculpture. interactive 2006 (find the video on mechanics) |
palmermechanics sculpture interactive 2010 (find the video on mechanics) | mecha-nickmechanic-interactive sculpture harmory show 2015 NYC (Clio Art Fair) | flipper-paintingyou can play and eat with the artworks. play on the oil painting with a buble-gum that you can eat. harmory show 2015 NYC (Clio Art Fair) |
flipper-paintingyou can play and eat with the artworks. play on the oil painting with a buble-gum that you can eat. harmory show 2015 NYC (Clio Art Fair) | vitae-il grande sonnomechanic-interactive sculpture harmory show 2015 NYC (Clio Art Fair) | superfetazioniMechanich-interactive-audio art work 2013 in Clock-Work solo-show Mondrian Suite Gallery 2015 |
pinocchiopinocchio. mechanic sculpture. H 60 cm. 2008 (find the video on mechanics) | animabAnimab. Mixed Media. mechanic sculpture. H 35 cm. 2010 | io sono una tortaIo sono una torta. Mixed Media. Mechanic sculture with ligth. H 45 cm. 2010 |
il tempiettomechanics sculpture 2005 (find the video on mechanics) | gigaist. cult. svizzero in roma. 2007 giga robot. installation. mechanics sculpture interactive. exhibition: visioni del paradiso. (find the video on exhibitions) | gigagiga robot. mechanics sculpture interactive exhibition: visioni del paradiso. istituto di cultura svizzero in roma. 2007 (find the video on exhibitions) |
dindolòmechanics sculpture. h 300 cm. 220w. 2010 (find the video on mechanics) | dindolòmechanics sculpture. h 300 cm. W220. 2010 (find the video on mechanics) | bloommechanic sculpture 2004 (find the video on mechanics) |
dammibassorilievo Meccanico-sonoro Franco Losvizzero 2006 (find the video on mechanics) |
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